QuOp Functions

QuOp Function

QuOp Functions define the various aspects of a QVA or modify the simulation methods used by the quop_mpi.Ansatz class.


Prior to QVA simulation, positional arguments of a QuOp Function are bound to the attributes of the receiving class if a match is found. Additional positional and keyword are specified via a FunctionDict:

function_dict : {"args":List[Any], "kwargs":Dict}

The "args" and "kwargs" elements of a FunctionDict are both optional. If present, these are passed to a bound QuOp Function as:

bound_quop_function(*function_dict["args"], **function_dict["kwargs"])
Observables Function

Returns a 1-D real array containing local_i elements of the observables with global offset local_i_offset. Passed to the quop_mpi.Ansatz.set_observables() method and bound to the attributes of the quop_mpi.Ansatz class.

Predefined Observables Functions are included in the quop_mpi.state module. See quop_mpi.Ansatz for a selected list of available attributes.

Typical structure:

def observables_function(
    system_size : int
    local_i : int,
    local_i_offset : int,
    **kwargs) -> np.ndarray[np.complex128]:


    return observables
Initial State Function

Returns a 1-D complex array containing local_i elements of the initial state with global offset local_i_offset. Passed to the quop_mpi.Ansatz.set_initial_state() method and bound to the attributes of the quop_mpi.Ansatz class.

Typical structure:

Predefined Initial State Functions are included in the quop_mpi.state module. See quop_mpi.Ansatz for a selected list of available attributes.

See quop_mpi.Ansatz for a selected list of available attributes.

def initial_state_function(
    system_size : int
    local_i : int,
    local_i_offset : int,
    **kwargs) -> np.ndarray[np.complex128]:


    return initial_state
Free Parameters Function

Returns an array of integers that specifies a subset of free parameters. Passed to quop_mpi.Ansatz.set_free_params().

See quop_mpi.Ansatz for a selected list of available attributes,

Typical Structure

def free_params_function(
    ansatz_depth : int,
    total_params : int,
) -> List[int]


    return free_params
Sampling Function

Returns an objective function value computed from batches of observables values that are sampled based on the probability distribution of the wavefunction state vector during simulation together with a boolean that specifies wether the objective function value should be passed to the optimiser or more sample batches taken. Passed to quop_mpi.Ansatz.set_sampling().

See quop_mpi.Ansatz for a selected list of available attributes,


The quop_mpi.Ansatz class computes the expectation value exactly by default.

Typical Structure

def sampling_function(
    samples : List[ndarray[float64]],
) -> (float, bool)


    return objective_function_value, value_accepted

The samples argument is a list of 1-D real arrays containing sample_block_size observables values. If value_accepted is not True, an additional sample block is appended to samples.

Jacobian Function

Enables distributed parallel computation of the objective function gradient. Returns the partial derivative of the objective function with respect to the variational parameter with index var. Used to compute the objective function gradient is parallel if using a gradient-informed optimiser. Passed to quop_mpi.Ansatz.set_parallel_jacobian().

The quop_mpi.Ansatz supports numerical approximation of the gradient using the forward and central finite difference methods (specified via quop_mpi.Ansatz.set_parallel_jacobian()). See quop_mpi.Ansatz for a list of available attributes.


Typical Structure

def jacobian_function(
    variational_parameters: np.ndarray[np.float],
    evaluate: Callable,
    var: int,
) -> float:


    return partial_derivative_value

The evaluate argument is bound to the quop_mpi.Ansatz.evaluate() method which implements lazy computation of the objective function. This is the recommended method for use in numerical approximation of the gradient by finite-difference methods.

Operator Function

Returns an operator object that is compatible with the propagation method of specific unitary class. See quop_mpi.Unitary().

Predefined Operator Functions are included with each unitary class in the quop_mpi.propagator module under quop_mpi.propagator.<unitary>.operator. See quop_mpi.Unitary and the predefined unitary classes in the quop_mpi.propagator module for lists of available attributes.

Typical Structure

def operator_function(
    system_size : int,
    local_i : int,
    local_i_offset : int,
    variational_parameters : ndarray[float],
) -> Any:


    return operator

Operator Functions with one or more variational parameters require the variational_parameters positional argument. Operator Functions with no variational parameters do not.

Parameter Function

Returns initial values for the variational parameters associated with an instance of the quop_mpi.Unitary() class.

Predefined Parameter Functions are included in the quop_mpi.param module. See quop_mpi.Unitary for a list of available attributes.

Typical Structure

def param_function(
   n_params : int,
) -> List[float]:


    return variational_parameters